Life in the Black
Life in the black is an initiative to help people save and create a future of wealth generation.
Intentions and Outcomes of Life in the Black
Life in the Black has the intention to change the conversation people have about money and to improve the personal, corporate and social relationship with investing money. Life in the Black contribute to its members by:
- Having a library of resources available with the mentoring necessary to achieve the different goals individuals want to achieve.
Give a proven and trialled savings, investing and debt reconcilliation plan available online with webinars and ebook supplementation.
Contribute to the growing trend of Economic Harmonisation that is sweeping the economic stabilising institutions.
Installing a two to five year plan to become debt free and develop an established source of income independent of wealth creation assets
=Community of Savers
Life in the Black will disrupt the present trend of monetary usage and create new rules governing personal values around currency, money, finances and wealth.
Vision: A world bank where everyone can be capable of sharing the resources in the world through cooperative ownership. There will be an incentive to create a legacy for future generations and where each person will create trust funds for delegated generations in the far future (50 - 100 yrs)
Strategy for the next 6 - 12 months:
Enrolment of government agencies such as Customer Owned Banking Association to ascertain whether a building society or a friendly society is applicable. Meeting with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission to state intent and purposes for the enterprise.
Branding: Cooperative and collaborative efforts are the new wave of the future. Working with ZenMe on social entrepreneurship Marketing a new way to view "money", not as an exchange but as a energy to create with as paint is to a canvas. Online cooperation and events celebrating legacy as a progressive step towards the future. Cooperative building and land usage that is sustainable.
The social impact that the enterprise will achieve immediately and ongoing
The social impact will be tremendous. Relatedness will be the common principle among the members of the enterprise. Solution oriented functional committees will be arranging methods for algorithmic growth, beyond simple compounding. People who have never saved will get an opportunity to save and grow and own something for themselves and designated future generations.
The ability for your enterprise to be commercially sustainable and its strategy for growth and scale
Every private hospital has a stem cell bank. Whereby when your child is born, you save the placenta cryogenically and it is preserved until the our older in case of disease. The same will be of small change. Get the parents in the hospitals and present for no more than a $1 a day, they can protect their children and future generations stewardship. There will always be new members and the shares always increasing but the monetary value will not dilute.
=Allieviate Poverty
Generation: Debt Free
Superannuation is a mandatory practice in Australia. In fact, most Australians will retire on less money needed for a basic standard if living. The percentage of the population that will retire or that are living on public assistance is growing.
Life in the Black is dedicated to eliminating poverty at its root: Underutilisation of the potential of individuals and groups in society that don't have capital to invest in themselves.
What are the steps to become debt free?