Industry analysis
information broker
An information broker (or data broker) collects information, often about individual people. The data is then sold to companies that use it to target advertising and marketing towards specific groups, to verify a person's identity including for purposes of fraud detection, and to sell to individuals and organizations so they can research particular individuals.
Personal information management
Personal information management (PIM) is the activities people perform in order to acquire, organize, maintain, retrieve and use personal information items such as documents (paper-based and digital), web pages and email messages for everyday use to complete tasks (work-related or not) and fulfill a person’s various roles (as parent, employee, friend, member of community, etc.).[1] More simply, PIM is the art of getting things done in our lives through information.[2]
What is Electronic Retailing (E-tailing)
Electronic retailing is the sale of goods and services through the internet. Electronic retailing, or e-tailing, can include business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) sales of products and services, through subscriptions to website content, or through advertising. E-tailing requires businesses to tailor traditional business models to the rapidly changing face of the internet and its users.
Black Market
How 'carders' trade your stolen personal info for $20
Can a business take information from public sources and use it to approach potential customers?
The value of personal information in markets withendogenous privacy
Rodrigo Montesy, Wilfried Sand-Zantmanz, and Tommaso VallettixMay 28, 2015
This paper studies how customer information and privacy a ect the discriminatory be-havior of a rm facing imperfect competition. In particular, we investigate the e ectsof price discrimination on prices, pro ts and consumer surplus, when rms can use con-sumers' private information to discriminate and consumers can potentially avoid beingdiscriminated.
An empirical study on factors influencing consumers’ trust in E-tailers – evidence from India
10 Industry-Wide Transformations Impacting E-Commerce in Asia Pacific
The 10 Industry-Wide Transformations Impacting E-Commerce in Asia Pacific and Implications for Your E-Commerce Growth Plans A White Paper
MasterCard® Asia Pacific September 2015
China’s e-tail revolution
McKinsey Global Institute - March 2013
Ctrl-Shift’s Personal Information Economy conference
Ctrl-Shift’s Personal Information Economy conference is the destination for business leaders wanting to transform the strategic challenge of trust around data into a powerful new business opportunity. The annual conference provides change makers with ground-breaking insights �that inform business-building action.
The personal information economy market will take off in earnest in 2016
Consumer backlash against personal data collection by companies is creating an opportunity for new intermediaries to help consumers take back control of their data.
Personal Information Economy companies
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Cooperative Group