Ovulation tester

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Scientists have found that a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle both are directly related to your increase fertility rate. It plays an important role in increasing your fertility as well as your chances to get pregnant. Once you conceived, healthy diet will be necessary to maintain your pregnancy and will provide ease in your delivery. Once you get pregnant you need to take nutritional advice that what to eat or what not.
People mostly think when a woman gets old, she is more prone to infertility. A woman can have infertility in the most fertile years of her life. It just depends upon her choice of diet and her lifestyle which affects her fertility
Things to promote female fertility.
There are few things which you must do to promote your fertility.
Maintain a healthy weight
Try to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese is not good for your fertility, similarly being underweight or physically weak can affect your ovulation by disturbing your hormonal balance as well as your growth of eggs.
Prevention from sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea and chlamydia directly affects your fertility. Try to limit your number of partners, or try to have single relationship. Otherwise use condoms while having sex. Just remember your health is more important than anything. Use natural healthy and safe sex to reduce the risks of infertility.
Regular check-ups and consultation
If you are interested in making family, you must have regular check-ups to rule out any issue regarding fertility. Consult your physician and tell him if you have any health related problem so that it can be diagnosed and ovulate recovered on time.
Try to avoid night watching and take proper sleep
If you have your night shifts or work load in night time and you are planning to get pregnant, avoid night watching first and try to take proper sleep. Poor sleep is a big hindrance in fertility by disturbing your hormones.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Healthy and balanced diet is as much necessary for healthy pregnancy as in the non-pregnant women. Balanced diet plays a vital role in balancing your hormones as well as your regular cycles and process of making eggs and ovulation. All of your mechanisms of body and your metabolisms are affected by the quality of diet you take.
Do Regular Exercises
Do a healthy and regular exercise to increase your blood circulation. You can try yoga as well which will not only make your mind peaceful but helps in enhancing your physical fitness. Regular brisk walk for 15 minutes is the Best regular exercise.
What to do to increase your Fertility
To reduce the risks of infertility few things must be avoided.
Don't smoke
Smoking is not good for health and it causes premature aging in your ovaries and affects the growth of your eggs. Try to avoid smoking as much as possible if you are planning to conceive.
Avoid Alcohol
Heavy amount of Alcohol intake is directly related to ovulatory disorders. So try to avoid drinking alcohol. Remember mother's safety is the safety of child.
Try to reduce caffeine
Some experts recommend to limit the use of caffeine if you are planning to conceive as it is not a very healthy thing.
Avoid vigorous Activity
Too much vigorous activity can inhibit your ovulation and your hormonal imbalance may result. So avoid too much vigorous physical activity.
Avoid Exposure to Toxins
Research has found that workers in agricultural field or those who come in contact with strong chemicals like nitrous oxide or increase amount of organic solvents like dry cleaning chemicals are more prone to menstrual disorders. If you are planning to conceive, try to reduce your exposure of chemicals and just consult your Doctor about your physical condition.
Avoid Artificial Lubricants
It is found that number of non-contraceptive lubricants have spermicidal properties which can kill sperms and cause infertility, so try not to use these artificial lubricants. Instead of this use simple canola oil for lubrication.
Don't Douche more than once a week
Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that women who wanted to become pregnant, who douched more than once a week had lowest pregnancy rates. So avoid to douche more than once a week.
Assume the Right Position
If you want to conceive, you should keep in mind that you must acquire the right position. The missionary position (man on top) is the best position while you must be lying on your back, when sperms are in closest contact with the vagina. It remains there for long time as it is needed to reach the targeted position. Go to sleep after having sex so that gravity helps to hold the sperms while you sleep.
Good Diet to Increase your Fertility
Diet is an essential part of this chapter and healthy diet is directly proportional to you chances of conception
Avoid Trans Fats and take Unsaturated Fats
Trans fats are mostly found in the baked and snacks food, animal products, fries and in margarines. High insulin level in bloodstream causes metabolic disturbances that affects ovulation.
Essential Fatty Acids EFA's are much Beneficial for Ovulation
Essential fatty acids are very much beneficial for the ovulation and promote fertility. Omega 3 fatty acids also maintains your hormonal activity which is necessary for your fertility.
Plenty of Vitamin B complex
Near your ovulation your body needs plenty of vitamin B complex which helps in growth of eggs and easy release of your ovum.
Vitamin C helps in implantation
Vitamin C is very much necessary in deep implantation of blastocyst when it enters into uterus and attaches itself into lining of uterus.
Beta carotene helps preventing Early Miscarriages
It is found in the green leafy vegetables as well as in carrots, cantaloupes and sweet potatoes. This helps to prevent early miscarriages and abortions and keeps your hormones in balance.
Nuts, seeds and Legumes help in nourishing Follicles
Remember that Nuts, seeds, legumes and beans are very important for the growth and maturity of ovarian follicles. Eat plenty of these in your diet.
Protein should be from vegetable sources
Try to take protein from plant sources like Beans, Nuts, seeds and Tofu. Avoid too much Red Meat and these plant sources help to reduce weight and provide healthy fat too.
Specific Food Items to Boost your Fertility
All fruits are healthy and good source of vitamins and minerals but Avocado plays a vital role in this as it contains omega 3 fats which is helpful in the healthy development of your baby's brain.
Chia Seeds
This grain contains omega 3 fats and fiber which helps to decrease the pregnancy depression. This seed also helps to maintain the growth of your baby. Sprinkle this seed on salads and cereals or mix it with yogurt.
Lean Meat
Lean meat or skin less chicken is more beneficial as it contains low fat and provides you iron and protein.
Whole wheat
Whole wheat bread means you are taking complex carbs that are slow to digest and take longer time in your stomach. This helps to maintain your digestion in good condition. It also controls the level of insulin in blood.
Studies showed high insulin level inhibits the process of ovulation results in infertility.
Whole Milk
Studies have shown that whole milk or full fat diet like yogurt helps to increase your immunity level. Immunity in turn eases the process of ovulation and pregnancy.
Food that hinders the fertility
There are certain foods that is not good for fertility. You must take care of these things which hinders the process of ovulation and fertility.
Soy foods contains such compounds which increases the level of estrogens in body. High level of estrogens cause many fertility issues and cause complications in pregnancy. So soy food should be avoided while planning to conceive, even during pregnancy.
Avoid GMO foods
A Genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been modified by using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques are known as recombinant DNA technology. This DNA is transferred into an organism, give it modified genes.
GMO foods are those foods that have been altered by this technology to grow bigger and be insect resistant. These are altered from healthy nutritious food to unhealthy processed food that is harmful for your fertility and causes other health issues.
Avoid Processed Food
Processed food contain GMO food and it is not mentioned on the labels of products that's why this is not healthy and must be avoided if you are planning to conceive. Just eat fresh and healthy food in seasons.
Pesticides and herbicides
Pesticides and herbicides sprayed on our food are harmful for health and this kind of food has negative impact on both male and female fertility levels. Try to investigate that what food you are eating is free from such pesticides and insecticides.
Avoid processed Sugar
Processed sugar such as high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, corn sugar are not healthy food items. While the sugar found in fruits, natural sugars are healthy sugars.
This may result in different health issues as well as hindrances in fertility.
It causes disturbances in hormones, affects ovulation and implantation and increases the rate of miscarriages. So avoiding processed sugar is the best thing you can do for a healthier pregnancy.
There are few alternatives you can use to avoid the processed sugar like dates, Honey and Maple syrup.
Plastic water Bottles
This is clear now that plastic water bottles contains toxic chemicals which interferes with the natural hormones estrogens in body. This in turn affect the fertility in both males and females.
Alternatives to plastic water bottles
Get a stainless steel or glass water bottle.
Try to have water with you always when you go outside.
Try to buy water in glass water bottle.
Avoid chocolate, caffeine, cola and Soda
Excessive caffeine not only decreases the chances of conception but it also increases the risks of miscarriages. Likewise chocolates, cola and soda are not good for conception.
Avoid Painkillers, sleeping pills and stimulating medications
If you are planning to conceive, make yourself not habitual of taking painkillers and strong stimulating medicines as these are not good for fertility point of view. Some of these medicines interferes with normal mechanism of fertilization and conception. Some of these medicines affect your hormonal balance.
Reduce your stress level
If you are trying to conceive just remember that stress is not only bad for your health but it causes hormonal imbalance that affects your process of conception. Just try to be relaxed and be optimistic. Leave those things which produce unpleasant impressions upon you. Try not to think about those things which you can not change. Remember that you are not the only one who carries the burden of this universe alone.
Try to Be Happy
Just find out small reasons to be happy and healthy. It is not necessary that you may have everything in your life which you wanted. There can be many things which though small but plays an important role in your life. Try to find out those small things which are big in its whole. Be happy be healthy ... Take proper sleep
Normal sleep is about 6 to 8 hours. Just keep in mind that improper sleep is bad for your health as well as more sleep. Sleep must be proper. Sleeping more than 10 hours is not good for your health.

Scientists have found that a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle both are directly related to your increase fertility rate. Once you conceived, healthy diet will be necessary to maintain your pregnancy and will provide ease in your delivery. Healthy and balanced diet is as much necessary for healthy pregnancy as in the non-pregnant women. Do a healthy and regular exercise to increase your blood circulation. Processed sugar such as high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, corn sugar are not healthy food items.